Elizabeth's Testimonial
You’ve probably heard all sorts of food testimonials for every diet under the sun, and like most people tried a few only to be disappointed. Well, what I am about to share with you is not a special diet; it’s the story of my lifestyle change. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in August of 2011. I was going through all the treatments and episodes that accompany the illness. When I would go to the hospital, I saw people with my illness and the struggles they had to endure. After my last episode in June 2012, I finally realized that I can’t live like this and wasn’t going to live like this.
I decided it was time to heal my body from within and make the change to healthy eating, which started in September 2012. With the support, strength, and guidance of the love of my life; we embarked on the journey of healthy eating and exercise. My diet consists of raw organic juices every morning and evening. I also have food during the day (mostly organic fruits and vegetables). I incorporate gluten free pasta, nuts, quinoa, and lentils into my diet as well. I eliminated red meat, dairy, gluten, and any preservatives. I now appreciate and understand the food that is put in my body. I know that what I decide to consume is for the nutritional value that I will gain and not just to eat socially. I was able to educate myself with documentaries and books, which helped me understand the importance of how and why juicing is great. The 2 documentaries I recommend for anyone trying to learn about true nutrition is Hunger for Change and Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. The book is called Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman. These informative guides have helped me tremendously.
If you might not know, most diseases are cause by inflammation due to toxicity. In order to combat the diseases, you have to balance the PH (Potential Hydrogen) levels in your body so they become more alkaline. By drinking juices and eating healthier, I have allowed my body to heal itself. Some of my health issues that have been resolved due to this healthy life style change are: I have not had an MS episode since June 2012, my weekly migraines/daily headaches have completely disappeared, I sleep better at night, I have more mental focus, my cognitive function has increased, I have high energy levels (my days consist of being active instead of being fatigued), my HPV (human papillomavirus) is cleared, and my thyroid medication has significantly dropped.
I had an MRI every 6 month since 2012 and I started with 5 lesions in my brain, to now having 1 visible and the rest dormant. I remember coming home during the day and having no energy what so ever, all I wanted to do was throw myself on the bed and sleep. My weekends consisted of grocery shopping during the day and then being exhausted to the point of not being able to stay awake. That feeling is completely gone; I have so much more energy and look forward to enjoying my full days.
When I was 27, I was diagnosed with high risk HPV that leads to cervical cancer. I had frequent Pap test, biopsies, and colposcopy’s to detect any signs of cancer, which were very painful and uncomfortable. I found out March 2014 that my HPV is completely clear, how wonderful! I know the changes I have made strengthened my immune system to fight this virus and now I can say I’m free of it! Also, my thyroid medication has decreased from .150 mcg and .137 mcg every other day, to now only .137 mcg daily. Even though warm temperatures and stress exacerbate my disease, I have slowly been able to incorporate exercise into my life daily. I recently biked 32 miles for a charity race. Also, continuing to have a positive attitude and outlook on life has made a big difference for my health as well. I am much more alive than I have ever been and inherently will live a longer fuller life.
Julia... Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my story!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing! It is amazing what food can do, both good and bad.