Friday, July 11, 2014

Total Ab Burner Workout

Jack Knives
Lay flat on your back with your legs straight out and your arms straight out above your head. Raise your arms and legs together over your torso until they are perpendicular to the floor. Lower slowly back to the starting position with control (make sure you don’t just drop your feet back down)

Sit on your butt with your hands on the floor slightly in front of your butt. Raise your legs about 1-2 feet off the floor, keeping them straight, and hold

Flutter Kicks
Lay flat on your back with your arms resting by your side. You can raise your head off the ground or keep it on the ground. Raise your legs about 6 inches off the floor and kick them in the air like your are swimming

Reverse Crunch
Lay on your back in crunch position. Raise your legs to a table-top position with knees bent and knees over hips. Using your lower abs, raise your hips off the ground, lifting straight up, then lower back down

Low Plank Hold
Place your elbows on the mat and make sure they are in line with your shoulders. Create a straight line from your head to your toes, bracing your core

Side Plank
Make sure there is a straight line from your elbow to your shoulder. Raise  your hips towards the sky

High Plank
Keep wrists, elbows and shoulders in a straight line. Make sure your hips are straight and don’t dip down or rise up

Mountain Climbers in Plank
Start in the high plank position. Bring one knee into your chest, then the other, like you are running

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